4-week Mindfulness course for relaxation
On Tuesday evenings starting from Tuesday 4 May, 7.30 pm. £40 for the 4-week course.
A great way to introduce yourself to mindfulness. This lovely self-nurturing course focuses on deep relaxation and body centred awareness.
“Our bodies know they belong; it is our minds that make our lives so homeless,” John O’Donohue.
When in some way we feel threatened, we flee into a world of judgments, or we dissociate from the discomfort in our bodies. When we go into this mind-made world we may feel some relief, but it is temporary, also our anxiety may go up, as that which we are fleeing remains, unheard. The real healing comes when we can come back to our bodies and feel. When we feel the hurt, our wiser self can respond with compassion, allowing our rejected parts to feel accepted, heard and seen and so to integrate.
All courses will be on Zoom until we can meet in a group.
What you need:
A PC/Laptop/Macbook or tablet
A webcam and microphone
A stable internet connection
A private space where you can be undisturbed